Wow, I can't believe how long it has been. Here's the thing...when I used to sit down and think about all of the things that blogging did for me, the list was rather long.
Awesome feedback from friends and strangers
The ability to showcase and share my struggles and triumphs
Connecting with others
Being part of a community
Building strong friendships
Stepping outside of my comfort zone
The world of weight loss and Weight Watchers is what paved the way for me to create this blog. I think I accomplished a lot through blogging about fitness and weight loss. I met some amazing people and have ended up engaging in many friendships that I know will remain strong no matter what I decide to do. All of these friendships have transitioned into real life friendships either through visits, emails, phone calls, snail mail, text messages, etc.
I've grown so much since my first post. I feel like a different person.
Last time I felt like this, I switched gears and started blogging about other stuff. I left the weight loss talk behind and met some really great people through Hilly's extended circle of friends. It was fairly easy for me to tell that my style was different. People have told Hilly that my blog was boring and they didn't understand how we could be friends because we seem so different...LOL. This blog is only a very small fraction of what I'm like in real yah, there's that and the people that thought we shouldn't be friends are fucking pathetic in the first place, so uh yah...there's that too.
So I went back to weight loss blogging and funny...haven't lost much weight. Actually that's not true, I've lost the same 10 lbs. about 100 times.
The majority of blogs that I used to read are no longer online...the people that I really connected with are on Facebook and reachable through email or by phone...I'm torn.
I'm not exactly sure what to do here in Pink Bunny Foo Foo land. If I post something, the people that used to read and comment are most likely already emailing me daily, Facebook friends or picking up the phone to call me - so I'm just repeating myself to them.
This has been a soft place to land whenever I felt the need to share things. I'm not ready to say goodbye, I'm just ready to try something new. I've been thinking of going the free route with getting a WordPress blog instead of paying for this one with Typepad.
I've been really enjoying some of my favorite foodie blogs and would love to post more about recipes, experimenting in the kitchen, eating out with friends, etc. I'm considering taking some culinary classes with a girlfriend and would love to maybe post about those if it actually happens.
My web stats show me that people still come here daily to see if I have written something...or to use my links - guess not everyone has jumped on the feed reader bandwagon...
So here I sit...I stare at my blog wondering what the heck I'm going to do here. I still have weight to lose, I am experimenting a lot with cooking new things and trying new recipes...just really struggling with what to do.
I love Facebook. - There. I. said. it.
I love that there is no pressure, just a really quick update and people know what I'm up to, where I've been and what I've created in my kitchen - I post a lot of photos...not sure why I shifted to that over blogging, but I have an idea. My work blocking blogs had a lot to do with it...but I think I just used that as an excuse. I think what I like about Facebook is that the majority of the people that I follow - all but maybe 10 are people that I see or talk to on a regular basis. I get the face to face connection and instant feedback. When they talk about things on their Facebook status updates, I know exactly what they are talking about...where they've been, etc. I feel a stronger connection - even though it's a brief update. I follow less than 100 people for this very reason. I don't want it to become a place where I don't interact with everyone.
I don't link to this blog on Facebook or Twitter because I don't want people going back through 5 plus years of blog archives to learn about everything from my disordered eating to over exercising to compensate to years and years of therapy. It's a lot of really emotional stuff that I threw out onto the Internet for basically the world to see, hah! ...yet I don't want co-workers, family, extended family members, and some of my real life friends to read about. Yes, I know that too is messed up. I guess I just don't want people tearing through each post and questioning me about stuff that happened or that I said years ago. (Trust me...I know some that would)
I'm the first to admit that at one point in my weight loss journey, I was an obsessed mess. I've since found balance and I don't need people bringing up crazy land. It took me a long time to get to this place.
I have several close girlfriends that have recently started blogging. I absolutely love their blogs...but have never told them the address to this blog. That's messed up too.
So do I back up my blog...delete it, start over and talk about stuff that I can share with everyone? Do I go the more foodie route? I could never be a blogger that documented every meal...I don't have the time and I don't think anyone would care. Meals for full time cubicle workers tend to be less than exciting during the week, the weekends is where I have fun in the kitchen.
Maybe I just go with the flow. For now, nothing drastic...just continued introspection to try and figure things out.